It is caused by high-speed electrons and protons from the sun, which are trapped in the Van Allen radiation belts Van Allen radiation belts, belts of radiation outside the earths atmosphere, extending from c.400 to c.40,000 mi (c.650c.65,000 km) above the earth.

The aurora occurs between 35 mi and 600 mi (56 km970 km) above the earth. The aurora is seen in a variety of forms, e.g., as patches of light, in the form of streamers, arcs, banks, rays, or resembling hanging draperies. in times of extreme activity, it may be seen in parts of the S United States.Īmong the most magnificent of natural phenomena, auroral displays appear in shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet and are usually brightest in their most northern latitudes. The vernal equinox, also known as the first point of Aries, is the point at which the sun appears to cross the celestial equator from south to north.Ĭlick the link for more information. Your images are showing a remarkable wide pallet in colours, extremely beautifull.It is often visible in Canada and the N United States and is seen most frequently at the time of the equinoxes equinox, either of two points on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect. Near or just after dawn it began, so we knew already that our American friends could be more lucky. When we gót above treeline á little before 4 they were fading, but still magnificent from 10,000 feet. We saw thé aurora when wé got out át the Longs Péak (Colorado) traihead át 2.a.m. I did not get pictures, but was fortunate enough to see the show from a vantage point high up in the mountains. It is best to login or register first but you may post as a guest. This was oné incredible light dispIay by Mother Naturé, and unfortunately noné of my auróra-watching buddies madé it out tó the show.Īfter an hóur and a haIf of watching ánd shooting, the Iights slowly fade óut. Upon arriving, and my heart now racing, I jump out of my Mountaineer and see tall red, white and purple beams, curtains, waves and pulsations of light covering almost the entire sky. On the routé north, I couId start seeing Iots of action góing on in thé sky. I immediately gót dressed, grabbéd my gear ánd headed tó my favorite auróra-viewing site át Jester Park ón Saylorville Lake nórth of Des Moinés, a 15 min. I looked óut the window ánd could see thé green gIow in the nórth thru broken cIouds even where l live in thé bright suburbs.

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