The M1 Carbine was developed as a new weapon that would be lighter than both the Garand and the Thompson, while offering substantially superior firepower than the. There was also the Colt M1911A1 pistol, but this obviously lacked range. While the shorter Thompson submachine gun was in use, it was heavier than a Garand when loaded. It was therefore decided that a smaller and lighter weapon would be needed for support troops (such as radiomen or mortar men). While a good rifle, the Garand was also quite long and heavy. The M1 Carbine was developed after the M1 Garand and was a completely different weapon. They remained in service with the American military throughout the Korean War and into the late 1950s, until they were finally phased out and replaced with the M14 rifle (which itself was essentially an M1 rechambered for 7.62x51mm NATO with a detachable box magazine and shorter gas cylinder) and later the M16. Nearly five and a half million M1 Garands were built. For example, the Soviet Union attempted to replace the older Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle with the semi-automatic Tokarev SVT-38 and SVT-40 (this was put on hold following the commencement of Operation Barbarossa) and the German Wehrmacht fielded Walther and Mauser made Gewehr 43 semi-automatic rifles alongside the Mauser 98 bolt action. The success of the Garand also resulted in numerous other militaries testing out semi-automatic rifles as well. The rifle held eight rounds and fed via an enbloc clip loaded through the top of the receiver. 30 caliber by the military, and the same ammunition that had been used for the M1903). It was a semi-automatic rifle that utilized a gas operated and rotating bolt design that enabled it to reliably feed the large. The M1 Garand was subsequently one of the most advanced service rifles of the war. Bolt action rifles may have been the standard issue service rifles for all militaries at the time, but the United States military foresaw that the future lay with semi-automatic rifles rather than bolt actions. While a high-quality rifle (it essentially duplicated the proven Mauser bolt action design that remains in common use to this day), by the 1930s the M1903 rifle was becoming obsolete. It was first adopted in 1936, as the successor to the Springfield M1903 bolt action rifle that had seen extensive service in the First World War. The M1 Garand was the standard issue service rifle for the American military in World War II. Armed Forces in World War II, and it’s important to note the main differences between them. That being said, these two platforms both served a critical role for the U.S. While the two rifles do indeed share the designation ‘M1’ in the name, the basic design and function of the two rifles is vastly different. Even though it shares a very similar name, M1 Carbine (contrary to what most people think) is not merely a smaller version of the M1 Garand.