Is a fag who only knows games off top 10 lists The rest I liked are out in English I just played them in nip to practice, and I'm planning on getting a batch of 30 or so more jap ps1 games some time soon with many more in mind for future purchases. Moon is cool but a pain in the ass to readī.L.U.E: Legend of Water (ブルー レジェンドオブウォーター) Popolocrois Monogatari series (ポポロクロイス物語) I've enjoyed pretty much every game in my collection so far but my stand outs are Mitsumete Knight is like Tokimeki Memorial but with less obnoxious characters to date or piss off. Honestly the west got all the really worthwhile games on PS1Īnonymous Fri Jul 24 08:00:12 2020 No.6633074 Or cheap knockoffs of better games but with characters from a licensed anime show

There’s not that many good ones really, unless you’re really into: